Is Your Hotel an Energy Guzzler or Energy Saver?

Gone are the days when hotels could be complacent about their energy consumption or not worry about things like ‘eco-friendly’ measures or sustainable initiatives. With customers round the world getting more and more aware, they’re demanding that hotels step up and shoulder the responsibility of reducing energy wastage. And it doesn’t hurt at all that your conservation efforts will also bear financial returns in the long run.

Setting up a Boutique Hotel: The Basics You Should Keep in Mind

Off to follow your dream of having a hotel of your own. Congratulations. But before you take the plunge, have you kept the basics of such an investment in mind? If not, this post is for you. Read on …

How to Run a Hotel: Menu Planning for Your Restaurants

There’s no denying that food is at the heart of your restaurant but arriving at the selection of food items that make their way on to the menu is no quick process. A lot of effort goes into designing a menu and you should give it the thought and attention that deserves